Essential Cyprus, the site for North Cyprus
When you are in the process of deciding on your relocation to North Cyprus

Essential Cyprus, the site for North Cyprus
A Perfect Partnership!
When you are in the process of deciding on your relocation to North Cyprus and have done all the property-related business in terms of choosing your North Cyprus property, then there is always more
to learn, about the place in which you are deciding to call home. It is always a lengthy, although enjoyable of course, process to understand a country, its culture, customs and ways.

Kensington is happy to have an association with a particular website which has been around for some years now, and one which has always provided a fun and informal way of introducing North Cyprus and what it offers when you live, relocate or holiday here – www.essentialcyprus.com.
Our association with the website came about due to the quality of information that it provides, and we are happy to direct our clients to the website. To find out more about North Cyprus, what it is like to live here and how you go about doing things, it has proved a valuable source of information.
Some articles are being updated, as process for many things is changed on a regular basis, however, for general information on North Cyprus, there are over 200 articles to choose from.
Essential Cyprus is packed full of useful articles on a wide range of subjects. An easy to navigate website, you can find useful tips on where to shop, eat and drink, what banks and utilities are available amongst many articles on relocating to and living in North Cyprus. Reviews on some of the wonderful and diverse number of restaurants are also a very good read!

For the explorers amongst you, then take a look at the Sightseeing section – retiring to North Cyprus won’t make you inactive and you may find you are far more active than you have ever been! If you want to explore the wonders and sights of this beautiful part of the world there is so much to see and do, and Essential will keep abreast of all there is to see.
A great source of information for everything North Cyprus
There are also many activities to participate in, and being surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, water is an excellent choice for activities! From scuba diving to sailing, there are many companies now offering to introduce you to an active life on water, but you can always lay on a beach all day too! Land-based activities are also well covered in Essential Cyprus, from archery to bowls, tennis to hiking and biking to paragliding. There really is an awful lot to do in North Cyprus!
The Guide section provides you with all the information you may need on the history and geography of the island as well the traditions, customs that you will find in daily life, which can be both entertaining and very worthwhile knowing. You can also read about the many endemic flora and fauna around the island, whether by the sea or in the mountains. Information on getting to and from the major ports and cities is also a useful read if you are new to the island.

Perhaps if you have not quite made up your mind in terms of where you might like to reside in North Cyprus, then take a look at the major districts and their surrounding towns and areas, to give you some more food for thought on where you might want to relocate to. North Cyprus regions can offer peace and quiet with plenty of space or you may be more attracted to the hustle and bustle of one of the more major cities.
Information on Living and Relocating to North Cyprus
For families looking to make the move to live in North Cyprus, there is plenty of information on the state school system, as well as articles on private education and the majority of the university options available to students of all ages looking at education in North Cyprus.

Healthcare is obviously a very important requirement for many of us, and in Essential Cyprus you will find articles on healthcare from many different aspects, including IVF treatment and cosmetic surgery, as well as the day to day state healthcare system and private clinics and hospitals in North Cyprus.
Kensington was more than happy to team up with Essential Cyprus to help our clients and the wider audience find great site full of information about the beautiful place that is North Cyprus. We hope you enjoy the site, as they have been kind enough to also give us a recommendation as their preferred property developer to look at when choosing your ideal home in North Cyprus. Thank you Essential Cyprus!